
'한국인 맞춤형 인공관절' 스카이브, 이노비즈 인증

페이지 정보

작성일 23-12-06 09:00 조회 660


무릎 인공관절 PNK
8년간 연구 끝 국산화 성공
美·유럽산 제품 대체 기대
가상현실 수술체험도 호평



PNK 인공관절

'한국인 맞춤형 인공관절(PNK)'을 개발한 스카이브(대표 강경탁)가 최근 중소벤처기업부에서 주관하는 '기술혁신형 이노비즈(Inno-Biz)' 인증을 획득했다.

2017년 기업 부설 연구소를 설립한 스카이브는 의료기기를 비롯해 디지털 헬스케어와 줄기세포 치료제를 활발히 연구개발(R&D)하고 있는 의료혁신 기업이다.

이노비즈는 Innovation(혁신)과 Business(기업)의 합성어로, 국가가 기술혁신 시스템 평가와 기술보증기금 실사를 거쳐 경쟁력을 확보한 기술혁신형 중소벤처기업을 선정해 인증해주는 제도다. 이노비즈 인증을 받은 벤처기업은 미래 성장성이 높은 만큼 △각종 세제 혜택 △기술보증 우대 지원 △금융지원 협약 보증 △각종 R&D 사업의 가점 등 혜택을 받는다.

스카이브는 올해 초 자체 개발한 무릎 인공관절, 환자 맞춤형 수술 기구 등 정형외과 분야에서 포괄적인 치료 솔루션을 제공하며 업계를 선도하고 있다.

PNK는 관절 전문 연세사랑병원 의료진과 함께 약 8년간 연구 끝에 국산화한 인공관절로, 현재 국내 시장을 장악하고 있는 미국과 유럽산 제품을 대체할 것으로 기대된다. PNK는 국내 환자 1만2300명의 남녀 무릎 자기공명영상장치(MRI)를 분석해 SCI급 논문을 썼고, 그 논문의 근거를 기준으로 제작된 혁신 제품이다. 특히 좌식 생활에 익숙한 한국인을 고려해 150도 고굴곡이 가능하고 마모율을 줄일 수 있도록 설계됐다. 이 때문에 PNK는 '한국인 맞춤형 인공관절'로 불린다. 실제로 환자 500여 명에게 PNK를 삽입했는데, 한국인에게 최적화된 만큼 무릎을 구부리기 편하고 회복 속도 역시 외국산보다 훨씬 빨랐다. PNK는 식품의약품안전처 허가를 받은 데 이어 미국 FDA(식품의약국)에도 허가를 신청해 승인을 기다리고 있다. 미국 FDA 승인을 받게 되면 스카이브는 K의료의 수출 대열에 가세하게 된다.

또 스카이브는 메타버스 기술을 적용한 뒤 가상현실(VR) 수술 시뮬레이션을 자체 개발하고 의료진 교육과 환자 체험에 적극 활용해 호평을 받고 있다. VR을 이용한 환자 재활 시스템, 보다 진보한 수술 기법을 제공할 수 있는 증강현실(AR) 수술 시스템 등도 개발하고 있다.

스카이브는 PNKVR·AR 수술 도구 등 국내외 판로를 확대하기 위해 2024년 해외 및 국내 학회에서 제품 소개 부스를 마련하고 마케팅에 적극 나설 계획이다.

스카이브 관계자는 "지난 8월 R&D 유형의 벤처기업 인증을 받은 데 이어 이노비즈 인증을 획득했다. 기술력과 성장 가능성을 모두 인정받은 것 같아 매우 기쁘다"며 "앞으로도 고객의 건강과 행복한 일상을 지원하는 제품과 서비스를 선보이도록 최선을 다하겠다"고 강조했다. 

출처 : 매경헬스 '한국인 맞춤형 인공관절' 스카이브, 이노비즈 인증



Privacy Policy

In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act, “SKYVE CO.,LTD.” Corporation (hereinafter “Company”) has the following processing policies to protect users' personal information and rights and interests, and to smoothly handle user complaints related to personal information. The customer's information is both an individual's valuable asset and an important data for company operation. Therefore, the company promises to do its best to protect your personal information in all operational processes. The company will notify you through the website when revising the privacy policy.

Chapter 1. Personal Information Collection Consent Procedure The

Company has prepared a procedure for you to click the (I agree) button or the (I do not agree) button for the contents of the personal information protection policy or terms of use of the website and press the (Agree) button. By clicking, you agree to the collection of personal information.

Chapter 2. Purpose of collection and use of personal information The company uses personal information for the following purposes.

The processed personal information will not be used for purposes other than the following purposes, and prior consent will be sought when the purpose of use is changed.

A. Name, ID, and password: Confirmation of the member's subscription, prevention of use of the service, frequency of access, identity identification procedures according to the use of membership services the correct delivery address for the delivery of prizes and goods

B. E-mail address, phone number (receipt or not): To secure a smooth communication path such as delivering notices, confirming personal intentions, handling complaints, etc., providing event and advertising information and providing opportunities to participate, identifying access frequency or using members About statistics

C. Address and phone number: Securing the correct delivery address for the delivery of prizes and goods

Chapter 3. Transmission of advertising information

A. The company does not send commercial information for commercial purposes against your explicit intention to opt out.

B. The Company will notify you of changes to the terms and conditions, changes to the use of other services, information on new services/new products or events, and other product information by e-mail, mobile phone text transmission, and other omniscient transmission media. In this case, we comply with the provisions and methods specified in relevant laws.

C. When the Company sends advertising information by e-mail, etc. for online marketing, such as product information guidance Make it easy for you to find out in the subject and body areas of your email.

Chapter 4. Scope of collection of personal information The

company can freely access most of the contents without a separate membership registration process. If you want to use the membership service, you must enter the following information.

A. Items of personal information collection: name, email, date of birth, ID, password, gender, address, mobile phone number (telephone), e-mail reception Sms reception, service use record, access message, incoming customer information (name, phone number, address, e-mail)

B. Personal information collection method: Membership registration and bulletin board on the website

Chapter 5. Retention and use period

of personal information After the purpose of collecting and using personal information is achieved, the company destroys the information without delay.
However, the following information is retained for the specified period for the following reasons.

  • Retention items: name, login ID, password, e-mail, date of birth
  • Basis for retention: Prevention of recurrence of illegal use by bad members
  • Retention period: 1 month

And, if it is necessary to preserve it in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations, the company keeps the member information for a certain period specified in the relevant laws and regulations as follows. Records on consumer complaints or dispute handling: 3 years (Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.)

Chapter 6. Destruction procedure and method

of personal information In principle, the company destroys the personal information without delay when the purpose of processing personal information is achieved. The procedure, deadline, and method of destruction are as follows.

  • Destruction Procedure

    The information entered by the member for membership registration, etc., is transferred to a separate DB (separate filing cabinet in the case of paper) after the purpose is achieved and according to the reasons for information protection according to internal policies and other relevant laws (refer to retention and use period) It is destroyed after being stored for a certain period. Personal information transferred to a separate DB is not used for purposes other than retention unless required by law.

  • Abandonment period

    If the personal information of the user who has been destroyed has elapsed, within 5 days from the end of the retention period, the personal information has become unnecessary, such as achieving the purpose of processing personal information, abolishing the service, and ending the business. When it is deemed unnecessary to process personal information, the personal information will be destroyed within 5 days.

  • Destruction method

    Information in the form of electronic files uses a technical method that cannot reproduce the record

Chapter 7. Measures to ensure the safety

of personal information The company takes necessary measures to ensure safety as follows in accordance with Article 29 of the Personal Information Protection Act. of Employees Handling Personal Information We are implementing measures to manage personal information by designating and minimizing employees who handle personal information.

A. Minimization and training of personnel handling personal information We are implementing measures
to manage personal information by designating and minimizing personal information handling staff .

B. Encrypt personal information
The user's personal information is to encrypt, save and manage the password, only I can know, the important data is to encrypt files and transfer data, or use the file locking function and other security functions.

Chapter 8. Create a privacy officer

The Company is committed to making your information safe. The person responsible for handling your personal information is as follows and responds promptly and faithfully to any questions related to personal informatio

▶ Personal Information Protection Personnel

Name : 박누리

Affiliation/Title : 과장

e-mail :

TEL : 02-6952-8942

information subject handles all personal information protection related inquiries and complaints while using the company service , You can contact the person in charge of personal information protection and the person in charge for matters related to damage relief, etc.

Chapter 9. Collecting Opinions and Handling Complaints The

company values ​​your opinions, and you have the right to always receive sincere answers from questions. The company operates a customer center for smooth communication with members.

Real-time consultation and telephone consultation are available only during business hours. We will sincerely respond to consultations by email or mail within 24 hours after receipt. However, after working hours or on weekends and holidays, it is in principle to process the next business day.
The company's actions on the stolen personal information are as follows.

1. When a user becomes aware that he or she has signed up for membership by stealing other people's personal information, we will take necessary measures, such as suspension of service use or withdrawal of membership, without delay.

2. If a user who is aware of the theft of his or her personal information requests the suspension of service use or withdrawal from the member, take immediate action. If you need to consult with other personal information, you can contact the Personal Information Infringement Report Center, Supreme Prosecutors' Office Internet Crime Investigation Center, and the National Police Agency Cyber ​​Terror Response Center.

Personal Information Infringement Center (

Supreme Prosecutors' Office Internet Crime Investigation Center (

National Police Agency Cyber ​​Terror Response Center (http://www.police.go .kr/ctrc/ctrc_main.htm)

Chapter 10. Obligations

of notification This personal information processing policy is applied from the effective date, and if there are any additions, deletions or corrections of changes in accordance with laws and policies, we will notify you through the notice from 7 days before the enforcement of the changes.


Refusing to collect email addresses unauthorizedly



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