환자 맞춤형 인공관절 수술용 가이드 (Patient-Specific Instrument)
임플란트 또는 기구의 진로, 위치, 수술부위의 표시 등을 안내하기 위하여 사용하는 기구
Patient-specific guide for joint
replacement are customized based on
preoperative 3D simulations to incorporate
the surgical plan into the actual surgery.
3D printing is used to create unique guides
for individual patients. This enables the
effective implementation of the surgical
plan in the actual surgery and reduces
surgical time.
The femoral cutting guide has distal pin holes to
determine the position of the distal cutting device
and AP pin holes to determine the position of the AP
cutting device. It is designed to match the individual
patient's bone shape, allowing it to be securely
positioned at the intended locations.
The tibial cutting has pin holes for the tibial cutting
instrument. This guide is designed to fit the shape of
each patient's tibia, allowing the surgeon
to position it as intended.
The femoral cutting guide has a cutting slot.
It is designed to match the individual patient's bone
shape, allowing it to be securely positioned
at the intended locations.
The tibial cutting has pin holes for the tibial cutting
instrument. This guide is designed to match each
patient's tibia shape, so the surgeon can lay it
down in the purposed position.
The spine Pin guide has a pin hole to determine
the position of the fixation screw. It is designed to
match the individual patient's bone shape, allowing
it to be securely positioned at the intended locations.
The HTO Angle guide determines the opening
angle of the tibial cutting surface. It has a handle
attached, making it easy to insert and remove.
의료기기 광고심의필 : 32023-I10-43-3154 (유효기간 26.10.27)
침습형 일회용 의료용 가이드
임플란트 또는 기구의 진로, 위치, 수술부위의 표시 등을 안내하기 위하여 사용하는 기구
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